Normally, I would just open friendster and answer those endless school surveys and personality exams. But friendster is off today for maintenance so I looked for other sites. I saw this site in google and was amused by the pointlessness of it.
It was about a pointless personality quiz. The questions were really…pointless. I was looking for some pattern during the first few questions but there seemed to be none, so I also answered…pointlessly. Its fun though. I got 38% so I guess im 38% pointless? There were 1,132,562 people who have taken the quiz and 22,793 got the same rating as mine.So if you have nothing to do or just plain bored and tired from working non-stop, just visit this site. It’ll bring you absurd fun, promise. It’ll make you realize the essence of pointlessness (huh!).

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

discover your jack-o-lantern face @ quiz me
and i would be this if i were a dog

discover your dog breed @ quiz meme
and i would be this pie

find your inner PIE @