Friday, October 04, 2013

To document

collection of writing pads

I dont remember how many journals I have had.  These are my collections so far, all gifts from my friends.  They know me so well. 

The first one is a gift from a colleague who became one of my closest friends.  She gave it to me when I left work.

The second to the left is the latest, a gift for my birthday. 

The red one is a present from Japan.

The fourth one, with the love and peace writings is the thickest and the one im currently using.  It's been with me for 2 years now but Ive written on barely half of its pages.  It's a gift from my best friend when I decided to leave the country for good. 

The fifth one has been with me for two years too. A Christmas gift from a special person. It's supposed to be a planner but I've turned it into a journal as well.

One day, Im gonna fill all your pages with stories. Someday...

Tuesday, October 01, 2013


I had a long day yesterday so I woke up today still a bit sleepy.  But it’s my birthday so I was psyche-ing myself to be up and about because this is a special day.  Surprisingly, this year, I didn’t have birthday blues to speak of.  Despite the lack in some aspects,  I have reached this age (I sound like a middle-aged person) without experiencing any major setback in life and for that, I am utterly grateful. 

Birthday greetings came in via email, whatsapp, facebook and yes, text message which was quite nostalgic J

At work, the two guys asked me if we could have lunch early today and since I was hungry, I said yes.  So we had lunch at 11am.  We sat at the staff area, chatting while eating.  After finishing our meal, they brought out what was in the plastic bag that they were carrying: a bottle of wine and a cake!  And since there was no knife in the canteen, I used Jakob’s “balisong” to cut my cake! Hilarious! 

So we stayed at the canteen until about 1230, drinking wine and eating cake. I don’t know if alcohol consumption is allowed in the university but we didn’t mind.  Some people who were passing by were smiling at the sight of the wine on the table but I guess the cake obviously explained what was happening. 

In the afternoon, I had my greetings from Kulasa and Bugoy.  Kulasa sang so softly in contrast to Bugoy’s screaming singing. 

At about 4, we went to the staff lounge to chill.  Theresa wasn’t able to join us for lunch so we had coffee with her instead. 

Went home before 6 to prepare the lumpia for dinner.

Dinner was spent with sister and some friends. My sister organized games to complete the fun.   The last of the guests left at 12. And we stayed up for tea and cake.

It was a looong and happy day.