agreeing to see ultraelectromagnetic jam was one of the best decisions ive made in my life. weeks before the concert, i was still hesitant to say yes because of some things at work but what the heck, i said yes ayway. and im glad i did.
im an eraserheads fan since i was in high school. when my classmates were going crazy over nick carter and the backstreet boys, i was drooling for ely buendia and the eraserheads. when they announced on NU that they were disbanding, i was one of those who got sad and really disappointed. when zach and joey were interviewing raymund and buddy, waaa gusto ko talagang umiyak!
im not an artist and i might not know music from its technical side but i say that the music of eraserheads is really good. eraserheads was one of the few local bands i have respect for because they proved that they were really musicians and not just a bunch of angry, repressed youths who just wanted to have some attention from the public or some band who think that shouting peace and producing eardrum-splitting sound would make them real rockers and artists. you could see the evolution of their music and the focus of their songs. their songs changed from mundane concerns of the youth (love interests, friendships, being "high" hehe, etc) into more mature and profound issues. its just too bad i think that many of the fans did not cope with the progression of their songs until they reached the point when many were already losing grasp of them and when people could not relate anymore with what they were saying (singing).
buti na lang, may ultraelectromagnetic jam! ngunit sayang, bawal ang camera. my friend's camera was confiscated so i did not take the risk to take pictures during the concert.
i took this photo of the stage after the performance na.
the concert was good although some of the performers were not (evil grin). south border's version of my favorite 'with a smile' was too pop, even orange and lemons'.
i went wild with the crowd when i saw ely and the other guys in the monitor, talking about being eraserheads. you could see that the crowd still has that respect (or idolatry) when they gave marcus adoro that standing ovation when he played base for paolo santos. i thought they will have that sort of "rendezvous" and play one more time, together, for the crowd but, i was wrong. i hope they'd do that, at least before they die (hehe ugly).
anyhow, the entire experience was great, even if the ending came so sudden na parang bitin yung dating ng concert. it was nice to relive those glory days when eheads was still reigning over all the stations. mabuti na lang at nakasama ako sa isang henerasyong napasaya ng eraserheads. i really hope the four of them could play wonderful music once again.