Thursday, February 03, 2011

Journal Entry

I was tidying up and trying to throw stuff that I no longer need when I saw some of my old Starbucks planner which has a few random journal entries.  

This one is from 03 Feb 2011 (retrieved 28 Mar 2020)

It just dawned on me.  This is my third space.  Leaf of a notebook.  Coffee shop receipts.  Not the typical geographical space, but a spatial reality indeed.

I watched Boy A last night.  Andrew Garfield - his acting was effective and I guess the movie itself was effective that it made me realize and rethink about my views on things, especially on second chances to those who ask for it.

Man can sometimes be cruel.  The world, in general, can really be cruel to those who have sinned. Yes, we're men and hence we're rational.  But it's ironic that the same rationality makes us very much the same with animals. We hurt others when we're hurt.  Some kill when loved ones get killed. Maybe there's something we're missing about our understanding of human rationality. 

In one of their interviews for The Social Network, Andrew Garfield talked about us being human and our capacity to empathize (this was in response to a question on how does it feel to portray someone who's still alive or getting into character. And so the romantic idealist in him, I feel, revealed those words.  Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield made me look at actors differently.  They probably are the ones who take craft seriously and are respectable people in their own right.  Justin Timberlake look like a dumb, egoistic one when seated next to them).

Anyway, yeah I guess it's one of the features that characterize us from animals. Empathy can help us become better individuals.  Empathy can help us believe and hope that people can change. 

Now, I understand why some people advocate for rehabilitation instead of death penalty.

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