Saturday, January 28, 2012

threshing out

what do you when your most important folder is lost?

im currently looking for a job. and to organize my files, i have created a folder solely dedicated to my job hunting documents. in that folder are my CVs customized according to the position I have applied for, summaries of job descriptions needed for my accounts in various job search portals, scanned ID pics, etc.

but when I checked my mobile disk just a few minutes ago, i can no longer find my folder! i felt like crying. it was just there yesterday. yes, i have printed copies of my CVs. and yes, I haven't deleted the emails I sent to various companies. in fact, with my printed CV and application letters sent through email still in my possession, that folder is pretty much disposable. but i guess its essence is not just because of the files it houses. in my month-long job-hunting expedition, that folder has become my security blanket. everything that i need for my current job-hunting project is there.

it brings me back memories of our house transfer last year. when we moved to my brother's place, we had to dispose a lot of our belongings from our tiny apartment. at first, it was hard to let them go. but when you make sense of it, it became easier. what would you need old notebooks, outdated textbooks, unused clothes, spare blankets and pillowcases, empty canisters, etc etc for? nothing. they were just kept because they were cute. or because of the idea that one day, they may be needed. or maybe because of the sentimental value. but are they really important? no. will life stop if they are disposed of? no.

as such, the purging exercise became a trigger point for reflection. what does one need in life? do i really need a lot of possessions? what will i do with them if i die? they may have been important before but they will inevitably become disposables at some point. so what is really important in life?

is the lost of my folder a nudge to make me realize what is important at this point?
or should i look at it as a foreboding occurrence? maybe i have to delete it soon anyway. now that thought is more inspiring.

it's funny how a trivial thing can spark my crazy thoughts.

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