Thursday, September 10, 2020

First day high

Today was the first day of class for General Linear Models.  First day was on discussing the class requirement, introductions, and a review of statistics.  Im glad I sat in Dr Chua's class which clearly explained the basics of inferential statistics and now allows me to follow what's being discussed in class. Also, that class sort of reduced my fear in numbers so that's good. 

Also, my years in the Centre where everyone knows and talks quanti, listening to quanti presentations and reading quanti journal articles provided explicit examples of how tests are used was extremely helpful. 

It's very different from my stats class in college where I don't even remember what I learned. I only learned about SPSS, chi square, t-test and ANOVA when I wrote my thesis. 

The lab is going to be demanding. I have to prepare for that and be strict about my schedule.

Anyway, so far so good. 

Class pic for 611

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