Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 116: The longest distance

Yesterday was supposed to be our longest run in the training plan we peaked early so we had ours 3 weeks ago.

Yesterday, we did 17.7km.  It was the first morning run again after 2 weeks of running at night due to 1) laziness, and 2) sore body parts that just keeps us glued to bed in the mornings.

The body really gets used to a habit.  It was just 2 weeks and I personally found it different.  I was sleepy while running.   I woke up at 4am because of random people shouting and fighting at dawn and didnt manage to go back to sleep again so essentially, I only had 4 hours of sleep the previous night.

On the way back, the right part of my right thigh started hurting so I switched to brisk walking.  I walked all the way back home.

The left knee still hurts but the upside this time is that, Ive already been introduced to the magic of ice compress so after running, I applied an ice pack on my thighs and it helped.  The knee doesnt hurt as much as it used to.

13 days to go!

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