Saturday, March 25, 2017

Day 122: Race pack collection

This is the last Satuday that we're doing a long run. Whew. Although Im sure Im going to miss the route, and the routine. And the push from knowing that I have to train so that I can come out alive from what I expect is a gruelling race. 

So we did 10km. In 2 hours. Under the hot sun.  It was difficult! Not tiring difficult but it's-so-hot-and-the-sun-is-scorching-my-skin kind of difficult.

We had breakfast at Toast Box after.  M had fried bee hoon while I had laksa which was a product of a 10-minute deliberation on my part. To have or not to have.  In the end I gave in to my craving. Oh gosh, I miss laksa so much.  Food deprivation is really a killer.

It's also race pack collection day today!  The organizer's Facebook page said that last night, collection had a 90-minute waiting time.  We dont want to go through that so we decided to go in the morning, right in time after breakfast.  It took us about 15 mins (?) I think.

There were a lot of requests for t-shirt exchange.  Most were asking for a smaller size. Probably people have lost weight, and reduced inches, after training for the race :) (p.s. i learned from the FB comments that some people were given shirts that are one size bigger than they've requested for. M also had the same experience)

So these are the main stuff from the pack.  The bib, singlet, and the free polo tee. Im excited!

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