Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 5

Today was supposed to be rest day but I went for a run to compensate for the one I didnt do last night.

We were supposed to go at 630, to try how it is to run early in the morning.  My alarm went off at 615 but I snoozed it multiple times. I finally got up at 625.

Im not a morning person so it's a gruelling task to wake up that early.

The sun was already out but it was a bit cool. We still followed the canal but took a different from my place to get there.

Running early in the morning has it's own plus points. It's quiet.  Less cars. Less people.  But it's also hot.

We didnt eat anything before the run.  We also didnt drink enough water.  By the time we reached 4km, we were already very thirsty.  So we deviated from the route to find a store.

This time, we went past Kallang MRT and reached the other side of the river - close to the Stadium.  I did 6km in 55 mins. Time improved for a few seconds, probably because I had better shorts today :D

This was the view at the end of the trail.

we were very close to the city
On our way back, we passed by a community garden. An interesting one.

This is a garden maintained by the Waterways Watch Society

And there was a special entrance for otters :)
How to water your plants, gradually 

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